We know how it feels when you get your first car, we also know how it feels when you have to get rid of it, or any car for that matter. It’s not easy, but even the most reliable of cars eventually reach the end of their useful lives eventually.
When that unfortunate day arrives, you’ll want to dispose of your car in the safest, most environmentally-friendly way possible, whilst getting the maximum amount of money back. So, choosing the right place to take your car to get scrapped is very important and that’s where we come in! A&L Scrap Car Dealers are an established scrap car dealership with over 10 years’ worth of experience in the scrap and recycling industry, so you can rest assured that you and your car are in the best possible hands when it does come time to say goodbye to your beloved vehicle. We understand that for some, this may not be enough, so keep reading to find out why you should choose A&L to scrap your car!

We are an Authorised Treatment Facility
One of the first things that you should be looking out for when deciding where to scrap your car is if the dealership is an Authorised Treatment Facility, for a host of reasons. Firstly, they will ensure that your car is scrapped in the most environmentally-friendly way, adhering to all of the rigorous laws as they process your car. This includes providing you with the all-important Certificate of Destruction. Secondly, they will be closely monitored by the Environment Agency to ensure that the very highest standards of hygiene, professionalism and safety are followed. Records of status are very public and extremely easy to access and check, so you should have no trouble in confirming the legitimateness of any dealer.
Welcome to the brand-new website for A&L Scrap Car Dealers!
We are incredibly excited to announce our new website, designed and developed by the team over at Designer Websites, which allows you to not only receive a FREE instant quote for your unwanted and unused cars but to also gather all of the essential information that you need on the prices that we offer for your scrap metals.
As this is a new site, to make you a little more familiar with the information you are able to find and functions you are able to perform, let’s take a look at what’s available to you.
