Buying a vehicle with a car loan is a practical solution if you’re looking to get a car with a lower initial cost; however, when it then comes to selling or scrapping that car, things can get complicated.
In this blog post, we will explore the complexities of scrapping a car with a lien and discuss how to get a clear title for the vehicle you no longer need.

To sell your car for parts you’ll need to figure out which parts are most valuable, remove them from your vehicle, and find a buyer. The guide below will help you figure out if this is the right option for you.

The value of your car depreciates every year. In fact, it’s often said that a car depreciates in value the moment you drive it away from the dealership. If you drive your car a lot, or if it becomes damaged, you can expect it to depreciate in value pretty quickly.

We can now confirm that the most scrapped car in 2024 was the Ford Focus!
You may recall that the same model also topped our most scrapped car list in 2023. Now that 2024 has come and gone, new data has shown that the Ford Focus is still the king of the scrapyard.
The reason so many of them were scrapped this year is probably because there were so many on the roads to begin with! Supposedly, 2.71% of all UK vehicles are Ford Focuses – or should it be Ford Foci? Either way, the Ford Focus is destined to be discontinued later in 2025 after nearly 30 years in production, so it might not hold onto this top spot for much longer.
Even though the Focus was the most scrapped car of 2024, the most scrapped brand was actually Vauxhall. They took second and third place for most scrapped cars this year, resulting in an overall win for the brand. Or loss, depending on how you look at it.