Did you know we buy cars in practically any condition, including cars that don’t start and can’t be driven?
That’s right! If you’re unable to get your old car to us, you can still sell it – we’ll come to you.
Here at A&L Vehicle Recycling, we offer a FREE collection service that makes it even easier for you to dispose of your old car for cash.
SHORT ANSWER: Yes, you can scrap a car with no wheels - but you may receive a lower payout for it.
Scrapping a car often happens after an accident. If your car gets so damaged that the repairs would cost more than the car's total value, your insurers might well suggest you write it off and sell it for scrap. But will scrap car dealers even accept a car that's damaged beyond recognition?

On the blocks by Simon Law is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED

In order to crack down on cars being stolen and sold for scrap, the government have introduced stricter regulations surrounding the scrap market in the last decade or so.
These days, if you want to scrap a car, you’ll have to prove that the vehicle is yours to proceed. This makes it a lot more difficult for criminals to sell stolen cars to scrap dealers.