Before you scrap your car it's vital that you dot the T's and cross the I's, you can't just drop your car off and be done with it! Here at A&L Car Scrap Dealers, we have years of experience in scrapping old cars, so we can talk you through exactly what you need to do before scrapping your car. So, if you've got a car that's ready to be scrapped, be sure you've completed everything on this checklist first!

If you've decided to scrap your car, you might be wondering whether you can drive it to the scrap yard without insurance. Most people are hesitant about insuring their vehicles if they know it only has to travel between their home and the scrap yard, but failing to insure your vehicle can lead to serious consequences. Police can check whether or not your car is insured instantly - so you need to make sure you're complying with the law at all times. Let's take a closer look at the rules around car insurance so you can make sure your car makes it from your home to the scrap yard without a hitch!