cars at a scrap yard

If you've decided to scrap your car, you might be wondering whether you can drive it to the scrap yard without insurance. Most people are hesitant about insuring their vehicles if they know it only has to travel between their home and the scrap yard, but failing to insure your vehicle can lead to serious consequences. Police can check whether or not your car is insured instantly - so you need to make sure you're complying with the law at all times. Let's take a closer look at the rules around car insurance so you can make sure your car makes it from your home to the scrap yard without a hitch!


Circumstances when you DO need car insurance

When your car is parked on the road (regardless of its condition), it's vital that you have a car insurance policy in place. People often think that a car that's not in a fit state to drive can be left uninsured, but this simply isn't the case.

If the car has been in an accident and is no longer road-worthy, but is parked on the road, you'll need to arrange for the scrap yard to collect the car for you. As the owner of the vehicle, you should make sure that the car is insured until the vehicle has been collected by the scrap company and driven away. Once the car is in the hands of the scrap company, you are no longer liable, so your insurance policy can be canceled.

If, however, your car is in a driveable state, you might want to take it to the scrap yard yourself. In this scenario, you will need to insure the vehicle before you drive it on the road. Once you arrive at the scrap yard and all the relevant paperwork has been completed, you can formally hand the car over and cancel your insurance policy. It's important that you cancel the insurance policy on the scrapped car before you insure yourself on a new car, otherwise you'll be paying for two policies unnecessarily!

So, whether you're having the car collected by the scrap company or taking it to the scrap yard yourself, you'll need to insure it.


Circumstances when you DON'T need car insurance

There is one circumstance in which you can get away with not insuring your car. So, if you really don't want to insure your car before scrapping it, here's what you need to do... 

To make your car exempt from car insurance, you will need to SORN it. This means applying for a Statutory Off Road Notification and, a document that lets the DVLA know that your car isn't being driven & taking the vehicle off the road. It's worth noting that while this will save you some money, it will leave your vehicle vulnerable in the event of damage or theft - which could lead to you losing your no-claims bonus. So keep this in mind!

Of course, once your vehicle has been SORN-ed, you'll need to keep it off the road, so you won't be able to drive it to the scrap yard yourself in this scenario. Luckily, it's quite easy to make alternative arrangements to get your car from your home to the scrap yard.

car taken to scrap yard

Let A&L Car Scrap Dealers do the work

Does this all sound like a lot of hassle? Don't worry, we've got you covered. Here at A&L Car Scrap Dealers, we'll arrange to collect your car directly from your home - making the whole process as stress-free as possible!

To start the ball rolling, all you need to do is plug your registration number and postcode into our website. We'll give you an instant quote free of charge. Once you're happy with the terms, we'll arrange to collect your car so that you don't have to do any of the work. Simple!

Did you know, we offer FREE same-day collection across South Wales? Enter your reg number & postcode for an instant quote, or get in touch with us directly - we'd love to hear from you.

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